About Examination Cell

About Examination Cell

The Examination Cell was established in the academic year 2014-15. The Examination Cell consists of the Controller of Examination and supporting staff headed by the Principal of the Institution. The examination cell takes care of the formative and summative assessments and monitors the progress of the students in the institution
The prime responsibilities of the Cell are conducting of all Internal Assessments and Semester’s final examinations. The Examination cell coordinates with the Internal Examination Committee for the conduct of exams. The Controller of Examinations works under the guidance of the Principal, the Convener of Examinations regarding the examination matters. The examination committee collects the examination fees through VidyaOSPay app launched by CCE. The Provisional Certificates &OD’s are distributed to the passed candidates.


Committee Members For The Year 2022-23

  1. Sri T.Srinivasa Reddy , Lecturer in Mathematics, Convener
  2. SriD.BalaNarashimhulu, Lecturer in Economics, Member
  3. SriK.Timothy, Lecturer in Zoology, Member
  4. Dr.N Lakshmi, Lecturer in English, Member
  5. SmtG.Susheela,Lecturer in Chemistry, Member
  6. Sri G.S.Durga Rao, GuestLecturer in Commerce, Member
  7. Sri K.V.D.Ganesh Kumar, GuestLecturer in Physics, Member
  8. Ms V.Meena Kumari,Guest Lecturer in Botany Member
  9. Smt K.Ch. Ganeshwari,Guest Lecturer in Zoology, Member
  10. Sri G.Simhachalam,Guest Lecturer in Telugu, Member
  11. Sri Ms. N.VeeraBabu,GuestLecturer in PD, Member

The Functions Of The Cell


  • Examination Cell serves all Examination notices received from University to all concerned.
  • Examination cell prepares Circulars for students regarding Exam Fee Collection, the last date of fee Collection, modalities of payments of fine etc.
  • Examination Cell takes all precautions while preparing Examination Time table, Invigilation duty chart, seating plans for the students in the Examination halls, smooth conduct of Examinations etc.
  • Examination Cell mobilizes the proper staff during the Examination time, and assigning them duty as per the duty chart already prepared.
  • Examination cell takes necessary steps for distribution of Answer sheets to the concerned teachers after completion of the exam and receiving the answer sheets, award list, and preparing in the desired format to send them to University.
  • Examination Cell staff collects Marks Memos of various examinations from the University and they distribute them to the corresponding students.
  • Examination cell analyses all examination results and in consultation with the Principal, prepares the report thereof for submission to appropriate authorities for follow up action.
  • Examination Cell keeps all records pertaining to examinations.
  • Examination Cell staff addresses grievances of administration, faculty, staff and students on all examination related issues.
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